Heart Breathings

Self-Publishing Success Takes Time

November 14, 2018 by Sarra Cannon

Self-Publishing Tips

One of the things that can be hard to come to terms with about self-publishing is that self-publishing success takes time. No matter what some scam artists out there may tell you, this is not a get rich quick scheme. Not if you want an actual long-term career.

But sometimes it can be really difficult to watch others seem to find success easily or pass us by. We wonder, when will it be my turn?

The truth of the matter is, it just takes time. It takes time to build an audience, to learn to be the best writer you can be, to truly find your voice, and to figure out the right strategy for your success and style.

Self-Publishing Success Takes Time

One of the best tips I have for you is to celebrate every single milestone along the way. The more grateful we are for every step along our journey (even the tough lessons learned), the more fulfillment we will find, even if it takes years to find what you define as success.

Watch This Whole Series

I hope you’ll come back on Friday for Tip ##5 and that you are enjoying this series so far.

If you’re new to this video series, I’m sharing my Top 8 Lessons Learned over the first 8 Years of my self-publishing journey.

Tip #1: Comparison Kills Joy

Tip #2: Don’t Take Anything For Granted

Tip #3: Think Long Term

Tip #4: Success Takes Time

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These journaling prompts are designed to help you get real with yourself, shut out all the other voices and all of your fears, and just sit with your own desires for a little while. What do you truly want?

Your answers here will guide the decisions you'll make about everything moving forward! As a bonus, you'll also receive weekly updates from me with links to my new posts and YouTube videos.

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Sarra Cannon

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.


A Writer's Life Planning And Organization Self-Publishing Tips Writing Tips