Heart Breathings

Resetting My Goals and Kanban Board For Q2

April 8, 2021 by Sarra Cannon


It’s that time again! One of my favorite times of year! I’m resetting my goals and my Kanban board for Q2 of 2021. Woohoo!

In today’s video, as well as showing you how Q1 went and my plans for Q2, I thought it was important to talk a little about my struggles, along with my accomplishments.

Hopefully, this will show you how important it is to plan in 90 day chunks, so you have a chance to review what’s working and what isn’t working. In today’s video, I talk about what worked for me, but I also go over what wasn’t working in Q1 and what I’m changing to make things better in Q2 this year.

In the HB90 planner, I have weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews. This is where the magic of all your planning really happens! They are really helpful in realizing where you can make improvements, so you can make changes before things go too far. You celebrate your wins AND see where things could have gone differently.

Celebrate Your Wins

This previous quarter was one of my best ones yet and I am so proud of that! Here are some of the things I achieved:

  • I completed and published a novel
  • Publish and Thrive ran with my largest class yet
  • Plotted and wrote 30k words on Book 11
  • Recorded, Edited, & Published 16 new Heart Breathings videos
  • I lost 8 lbs
  • I did 60+ hours of live video!

Watch the video to see what else I am very happy about!

How did your Q1 go? Let me know!

Review – Is this working or not?

When you do your reviews, you realize where and how you need to make changes to have your plan work for you.

In today’s Kanban Board Reset video, I also talk about some of my struggles from Q1, and how I plan to overcome them in Q2.

One of the main things I struggled with was anxiety. It seems strange that anxiety would ramp up just when things are going so well in my career, but that’s the way it’s always been for me. It’s like I hit this Upper Limit (Read Gay Hendrick’s Book The Big Leap to see what I’m talking about here), and I just start to feel major anxiety with every step forward.

In order to change things up and reduce anxiety and self-sabotage in Q2, I am planning to make the following major changes:

  • Reduce social media time. This includes removing most social media from my phone, so that I only access it during designated times when I can approach it with intention, rather than any mindless scrolling.
  • Reduce anything that triggers comparisonitis and toxic feelings within myself. This can be social media or watching YouTube videos, having certain conversations, and more.
  • Get more sleep and take care of my body more.
  • Spend more time gaming and with my kids, less time “Plugged in” to the rest of the world.
  • Journal my gratitude more often.

These are some of the main things I’ll be focusing on in Q2 to help reduce my anxiety.

Another big change I’m making is to track my time a bit differently. Instead of just going hour by hour, I’m going to break each hour of my day into 2 “Task Blocks”. This is basically a way of incorporating the Pomodoro Method into my HB90 Method plan.

Each day, I’ll identify how many “task blocks” I have available, estimate what work I can get done within those blocks, and create a plan based on those estimates. At the end of the day, I’ll examine my estimates vs reality and adjust my plan accordingly. This is going to give me so much more awareness about how I am spending my time.

It’s also, I’m hoping, going to help me stay more accountable to my intentions.

I plan to do a full video walkthrough of my planner and this new system separately, and if it works out, I’ll most likely add this task block system to my HB90 Method, so stay tuned to hear how it goes.

If you’re interested in learning how how I plan my goals, projects, and tasks, and getting help with your own goals, my HB90 Bootcamp will run again in June! Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to find out when it opens again. There’s a form to sign up at the bottom of this post.

Ideas Series Coming Up

I’ve been hard at work behind the scenes on a new video series about All The Ideas! How to brainstorm great ideas, how to choose which idea to write, how to know if an idea is a standalone or big enough for a series, and more. This will come with a brand new free workbook for newsletter subscribers, so get in now to have first access to the new workbook.

I’ll also be posting Camp NaNoWriMo vlogs coming up throughout the month.

Thanks for visiting my site, and I will see you next week with our first post about Brainstorming Great Ideas.

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If you're anything like me, you constantly feel behind and yet, you continue to procrastinate! Looking ahead, setting goal dates, and keeping track of your schedule as you write is one way to stay motivated and on target.

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Sarra Cannon


  1. Aria Hauser says:

    Thank for the post! It was really nice to read. I think I am going to have to think about using your planning method. It sounds really effective. My Q1 went pretty well. I didn’t read as much as I would have wanted to thought, so I need to work on that! Good luck with your next quater!

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Sarra Cannon

Hi, I'm Sarra!

I have been self-publishing my books since 2010, and in that time, I've sold well over half a million copies of my books. I'm not a superstar or a huge bestseller, but I have built an amazing career that brings me great joy. Here at Heart Breathings, I hope to help you find that same level of success. Let's do this.


A Writer's Life Planning And Organization Self-Publishing Tips Writing Tips